Long time resident of Gull Lake and GLCA member, Doug Thompson submitted this Gull Lake update.

Hello everyone, time to mark your calendars again.

As of today the last of the lake ice, which was huddled in Miners Bay, departed April 8, 2021.

This was definitely a mild winter; the coldest temps per month were January 30th, minus 26c, February 17, minus 27c and March 2nd, minus 24c. It didn't even hit the minus 30's ! First time we've ever had that ! As a result we had very little lake ice. The mouth of Deep Bay remained open until January 23rd and never did form much thickness there. February 4th an ATV broke through there and fortunately the driver was able to get out and walk for help. The beginning of March I drilled measuring holes midway in Deep Bay and got 15 inches, near the mouth was 10 inches and out in the middle mid way to Victoria Island was 12 inches. A pressure crack had formed at the mouth of Deep Bay that never did completely freeze so we had a stretch of open water there all winter.

The first snow fall that stayed was November 24th and the last was February 22nd (that I felt needed to be removed), with a grand total of 68 inches. We didn't have much rain this year and even with the warmer temps were able to enjoy a constant 20 plus inches of snow in the woods. Great year for snow shoeing !

The last two days have been plus 25 and 26c up here, but next week , so they predict, is a return to winter.

The good ol' covid shots are just starting to be given up here, beginning with front line and seniors, so we're considerably later than the GTA.

I've attached a pic from last night looking into Miners Bay over the ice. Also there's a dock that floated out in an ice field in the main lake which is now grounded off Grierson Trail. Anybody recognize it ?

Looking forward to seeing everyone safe and healthy again !

Doug Thompson

Deep Bay

Ice Out April 8 2021.jpg
Dock found during 2021 Ice Out.jpg