Local Links

Local Government Contacts

Minden Hills Website

The township of Minden Hills website helps you find community notices, programs, government updates effecting the local area, events, and information & assistance. 

Local Counselor Pam Sayne’s email: psayne@mindenhills.ca

Minden Hills Planner: iclendening@mindenhills.ca



Coalition of Equitable Water Flow

In early April Parks Canada launched a new website. The old water level graphs link has been unreliable and those graphs have not always been up to date. However the TSW staff have created a series of Excel spreadsheets and graphs that they are updating regularly as a temporary measure. PDFs of these graphs as well as the two week water level forecasts are available on the TSW site and they are being updated regularly during this period of high flows and fall drawdown.



Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations (FOCA)

FOCA represents the people who live at the waterfront in Ontario, whether seasonally or year-round. Our members are lake and road associations, some very small and some very large, and every size in between.


Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners (CHA)

 CHA is a member-driven group of approximately 50 property owners' associations, representing more than 120 waterbodies and 15,000 shoreline properties from across the geographical limits of Haliburton County, in Ontario Canada.


Lake and Cottage News

Cottage Life Magazine

The go-to source for cottagers, the award-winning Cottage Life offers valuable advice as well as profiles, how-to articles, recipes, essays, issues pieces, and lifestyle stories that help readers look after their cottages, entertain guests and, of course, kick back and have fun.
